7 Really Cool opportunities all creatives should know about.
Now that I hopefully have your attention. I think that it is safe to say that nothing ever really comes for free and there is always some investment of time, passion and petty cash required to fully take advantage of any situation.
With that disclaimer out the way allow me to introduce you to some of the COOLEST opportunities I have come across in my years as a Creative Director at Dynisty Entertainment.
And over the next while I will be digging deeper into a few of these golden opportunities to help you maximize your advantage. So stay tuned and come back to this post whenever you think that money is the stumbling block, because it isn't.
Limited thinking is your greatest enemy as a creative.
If you know where to look there are plenty of people and places ready to support your art, if you are ready to present it in a professional manner. You just need to be bold enough to ask the right questions and follow through on what needs to be done.
1. Arts & Culture Trust (Nedbank)
This is a great initiative that I have personally benefited from and have seen the value of their funding. They have a great funding model and in the early stages of developing this blog I received a huge boost from their funding. It really did allowed me the chance to structure my organization better. It is well managed and the individuals really do care about the arts. If you meet the criteria it is definitely worth checking out and they have a great informative newsletter worth signing up to.
To access their website Click Here.
2. TriggerFish Story Lab
This is a crazy cool opportunity for people with an animated story to tell. The growth opportunity is tremendous and the fact that The Walt Disney Company is involved is enough for me. They offer you the chance to work with their animated studio in developing your screenplay if your idea is selected and passes the different phases.
To access their website Click Here.
3. NAC (National Arts Council of South Africa)
Every year the National Arts Council of South Africa issues out a call for proposals for projects. Last year alone they funded 279 applicants to the tune of 17 Million Rand. And the thing is most countries have an equivalent of an Arts and Culture Department that needs to facilitate and develop the creative arts Nationally and in your local area. It is always worth while finding out more about their criteria and processes. There is usually a lot of paperwork and red tape to get through but don't let that put you off completely.
To access their website Click Here.
4. The Red Bull Music Academy
Without a doubt, this is the coolest Music Academy I have heard of. They offer you the chance to travel to some of the music hot spots in the world. The application process is lengthy and the questions are quirky, challenging and honestly... fun to answer. It is a highly sort after Academy for those in the know so start applying early. Alumni get access to the Red Bull Music Studios around the world so that alone is a great incentive. SA stars who are Red Bull alumni include DJ Black Coffee, so you would be in good company.
To access their website Click Here.
5. National Film and video Foundation (NFVF)
The National Film and Video Foundation supports potential Directors, Producers and Screenplay writers from developing to established levels. I have only heard good things about the support they have give developing talent. And even though not everyone can receive a grant they do give you plenty of opportunities to apply and can also help point you in the right direction.
To access their website Click Here.
6. SAMRO Foundation Concerts SA
If you are a songwriter you should already be connected to a Rights organization. If you are not I encourage you to do so pronto. Often when you dig a little deeper, sign up for their newsletters and just generally show an interest. You will find that they sponsor or back organizations that benefit you as a musician and songwriter. The SAMRO Foundation is one such place and Concerts SA is geared towards getting artists on the road and making money.
To access their website Click Here.
7. Independent Music Exporters South Africa (IMEXSA)
Last but definitely not least, is my personal favourite organization that helps Independent Musicians, IMEXSA.
The Independent Music Exporters South Africa is an organization that works with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI in South Africa). They offer independent record labels and artists the chance to develop themselves and improve on their business network by helping them attend some of largest festivals and conferences in the world. CMJ in New York, Primavera Sound in Spain, South by South West (SXSW) in Austin Texas, WOMAX in Budapest Hungary and MIDEM in Paris France. All really great festivals that can give your business a boost.
To access their website Click Here.
Again, most countries have similar organizations that are specifically designed to foster and develop the arts. Now that you have an idea of what to look for, keep your eyes and mind open to how you can get yourself in a position to access these opportunities. Grants are great because if you use the money correctly and wisely, then you don't have to pay it back. You only need to pay it forward.
Do you know any other cool organizations that are worth mentioning and sharing with others?
Leave a comment below.