One of my pet hates is when people use the saying: "It's nothing personal it's strictly business." and they say it to hide their own selfishness and greed.
As if the decision to show kindness and empathy to others is bad for business and will damage your reputation. Frankly, I think that would be the total opposite.
What I have found is that people who use that saying are often trying to disguise their own greed.
Of course it's personal! The choice you make to fire someone to improve your bottom line will impact their family. You don't get more personal than that.
Of course it's personal! Your decision to make an inferior product because the materials were cheaper from X than from Y will affect your customers.
Take Aways:
1. If you hear someone use that saying: "It's nothing personal, it's strictly business." run a mile. They have just revealed their true greed.
2. If you care enough about something, it is your business.
3. Seek to create a win/win situation. That is business done right.
What popular sayings do you disagree with? Leave a comment below