aROCKalypse Now
I love all kinds of music and I love to hear about musicians doing it for themselves. So when a friend asked me to help them put the word out about their upcoming show, I was all in.
aROCKalypse (Which is a play on the word Apocalypse and Rock) is a show that pays tribute to the rock legends of the late 60's to the early 80's.
My personal favourites in their show were Sweet Home Alabama and to hear the crowd join in when they start singing Sugar Man. It was totally worth it.
This Rock Show was sold out last year and is already shaping up to be bigger and better this time around. So if you live in or are around the East London area this upcoming weekend don't miss out.
Date: 6th - 8th February 2014
Venue: Alexander PlayHouse
Start Time: 19:00pm
Pre-purchase your tickets at Lee Gold Music or purchase on the day at the door.
For more details check out my dedicated page to their show by clicking here.
Grammy Night: Yes sir, The Best Men Won!!
Congratulations to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis for winning at the Grammy's!
"Make the money don't let the money make you. Change the game don't let the game change you."
Man, I'm so stoked that these guys won! #IndiesDoingitRight. A BIG congratulations to all the other winners at Grammy's. To see a full list of all the winners click here.
And the Grammy for Best Rap Album goes to...??
Why Macklemore & Ryan Lewis should, but probably won't, win this Grammy.
The Grammy for Best Rap Album:
Okay, so I'm gonna come out and say it. In my humble opinion (which often means I'm probably not being very humble about it) I think J. Cole - Born Sinner was the best Rap Album of 2013. Hands down, if he was nominated in this category , he would have been my first choice. Lyrically and as a producer, he is stepping up his game big time and needs to step out of Jay Z and Kanye's shadow.
Great, now that that's off my chest and I've said my piece let me get on with it and forget about the fact that they snubbed my man for the more popular but more inferior albums of Jay Z and Kanye. (Politics man!)
Eminem - He released an interesting album. And what I observed from his album was intriguing. Eminem seems to have almost made peace with who he is. For listening fans this is a good and a bad thing. It's good because he is now writing and rapping better than I have ever heard him rap. But hear is the catch, he seems to have run out of ideas and doesn't know where to go next. I guess if you have insulted everyone's mother including your own there is not much else you can say to shock people. Calling the album "Marshall Mather's 2" kind of confirms that theory. While listening to the album you get the feeling that he is rhyming to be rhyming and the songs aren't actually going anywhere.
Kanye West - Sadly, like the saying goes "If you have nothing nice to say..." Wait, him and Kim have a really cute kid. Kanye is a true artist though and he is allowed a dud every now and again.
Jay Z - He had a Brilliant marketing campaign that literally changed how record sales are calculated. However, this does not a good album make. Great production by Timberland, but there were few note worthy songs on the album and the lyrics sounded lazy and rushed.
Drake - I like this album and I've listen to it a lot of times. But Drake's previous albums are actually better in my opinion. And the money talk is getting played out. Yes, he is rich, yes he gets the women...and?? Besides the song Too Much, Drake doesn't get any deeper on this record. He is still someone to watch for at the Grammy's.
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - I think Maclemore & Ryan Lewis should win the Best Rap Album of 2013, but they probably won't. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally rooting for them!
I'm all for the independents. Dynisty Entertainment is an indie label too. So for me seeing an indie label that's not backed by majors performing at this level of art is always inspiring. They are the underdog's in this category for Best Rap Album. And I do love to cheer for the underdog. Their album really pushed the envelop of what a rap album should talk about.
They even have a song that blatantly disses Jimmie Iovine called Jimmie Iovine. Eish...Not looking to make friends with the big guns, but that makes them even cooler.
Apparently he doesn't have any hard feelings and would even appear in their video but we'll see about that. Mr Iovine seems like the type that can hit back in other ways.
Songs against consumerism and fighting for gay rights are pretty radical in the hip hop game. I take my hat off to them for having the guts to do that.
And the Winner is...
Kendrick Lamar - His album is different and yet the same. So it is not to far removed to what people are used to. Not my favourite rap album of 2013. However, the buzz he has created and his unique voice that sounds like but isn't Andre 3000, has caused huge waves in the rap game. Even at SXSW 2012 he was causing quite a stir and the industry taste makers were loving him and couldn't stop singing his praises.
I hope I'm wrong but the Industry is still very much a popularity contest. And Kendrick Lamar is more popular than Macklemore & Ryan Lewis therefore Kendrick will probably walk away with the award for Best Rap Album. For the record, I say again, I hope I am wrong. Good luck to all the Nominees!
Who do you think should win the Grammy for Best Rap Album? Leave a comment below.
Quote: Money doesn't change you
"Money doesn't change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice"
-Tim Ferriss
What do you think of this quote?
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Quote: Success & Failure
"If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. "
Thomas J. Watson CEO of IBM
BK - Exclusive Interview: The Sweet Science
Exclusive interview with BK. Join us as BK unpacks a few of his thoughts around
The Sweet Science EP.
1. What is the Sweet Science EP about and what inspired you to write it?
This EP is an experimental portrayal of self-expression and introspection. It was inspired by when I caught myself mapping out my plans for music and love; it's an expression of balance and wholeness between my music life and my love life.
2. What is your favourite track on the EP and why?
My favourite track is Strangers. That song really speaks what I'm feeling right now. Once again I'm in a 'Strangers' mood.
3. What are you working on currently and what can we expect from BK in the near future?
One thing that many people don't understand about me is the fact that I can't pick a favourite genre. I love good music and if it speaks to me, it speaks to me. So what I'm working on is a different genre/expression wherein I'm once again writing my heart out, but to a different groove... I'm working with a very acoustic set and I'm excited about the stuff that is being created. Expect to hear the song of my soul... My heart on my sleeve and my love for music
4. What are your thoughts on the latest music being released right now?
Justin Timberlake... What else can I say? 20/20 Experience part 2 is just another reason why that guy is my hero. He is, for me, the benchmark for excellence, whether in the actual music or the marketing thereof... Matt Corby is another eye opener for me. His technique is impeccable. Those are the two names that I have to mention. Beyond that, music is crazy right now. The production that they put into these songs, man... The vocalists and their tone and dynamics are just madness. So even though there are some songs that need to spend time in a furnace, some lyrics that should really not be allowed out there and videos that make one cringe, musically, the landscape is changing... It's about to get real
Click here to download The Sweet Science EP on iTunes and the Nokia Music Store
What would you like to ask BK about The Sweet Science EP? Leave a comment below
A New year - Time to Re-Focus
“Live as though you are dying, and die like you will live forever.”
E. Aboagye
I am not one for New Year’s resolutions, I often find that they are merely a guilt trip waiting to happen, but I do however believe in setting goals and having purpose. Therefore, every now and again I think it’s good to reexamine what you are aiming for and where you’re heading.
Here are two questions that I have found to be helpful on my journey:
- If someone wrote you a check for 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?
2. If God told you that you only had 12 months left to live what would you do with your time?
The reason I like to ask myself these two questions is because they help me to put things into perspective. They often set off a chain of other questions that help me to priorities the people and things that are important to me. For example, would I still be working at a dead-end job if I had 5 million? What would I rather be doing with my time if I didn't have much of it left? And how can I get busy doing what I would rather be doing? 365 days have passed and what is amazing is that we are given another 365 days to make the most of, and to step ever closer to becoming more of who we really want to be.
I hope that these two questions will help you focus on your priorities and reconnect with your purpose.
What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
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Goodbye to the Father of a Nation
1918 - 2013
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