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Are you inviting your customers into a story?

 Build it and they will come

This is the first myth that I believe is also a trap. We as artists and creatives can easily get sucked into the vortex of creating that we forget about everything else. Like food, water and the reason why we are creating this thing in the first place.

Most times if we are looking closely at the heart and motive of what we are creating it is often birthed out of a desire to share. To help someone else who feels, needs or wants something that we can give them. That is also why I believe it is so painful for a creative if no one buys or shows up to appreciate what we have labored on for so many hours. It feels like a rejection.

Often nobody knew that you were working so hard on your project to begin with and that they were invited to witness the journey and enjoy the fruits of your labor with you.

Build it and they will come - No they won’t.

Invite them. Remind them. Show them. Tell them then remind them again and then they might come. And when you are finished, learn from it and do it again.

Essentially this is what is at the heart of marketing. If people don’t know what you are doing, if what you are creating is not in the public’s eye how can they ever support you?

How can they share your story?

We all love sharing stories, so create your art and give people a reason to come.