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Marketing Stealth Bombs

When it surprises and delights fans. That’s a good thing. When it surprises and delights even the creator. That’s a wonderful thing! 

Drake did it with the release of his album, Scorpion, unannounced. Pop up shops, art galleries and pop up concerts are now all the rage.  

In a world full of announcements, promotions and gimmicks. Isn’t it a refreshing change to just see a creative person say; “Hey, I made this. I put a lot of work into it and I hope you will like it. If not, then maybe you would like something else I am working on”

Then get busy creating the next thing. 

Oh, and this morning I woke up as a regular guy and tonight I go to sleep as a Published Author. Currently you can check out my latest book project, click here. Now available on Amazon Kindle.